Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs/Chaos Ogres WIP part 3

Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs/Chaos Ogres WIP part 3

I have managed to finally assemble all six Mierce Miniatures "Bellowing Tarvax" and "Ckaarakk, Tarvax Untain".  I was so pleased with myself because I had just finished assembling them and the weapons looked a little "off".  So I took the Games Workshop...
Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs/Chaos Ogres WIP part 2

Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs/Chaos Ogres WIP part 2

Since the last blog post I've been able to actually work more on building my new minotaur/chaos ogre unit for my Beastmen/Warriors of Chaos armies.  I was having tons of luck building until literally the very last model where I broke the axe reaching for another...
Beastmen: Shaman and Command group

Beastmen: Shaman and Command group

Decided to take a break from painting Gor to do the command group and shaman.Command group was relatively straight forward. Did some green stuffing of the banner not a 100% happy with the blood effect but decided it was good enough for a first attempt rather than keep...
Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs/Chaos Ogres WIP

Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs/Chaos Ogres WIP

As many of you know I have received my Mierce Miniatures order for the "Bellowing Tarvax" and "Ckaarakk, Tarvax Untain" models. I have begun building them so that hopefully my Warriors of Chaos army will be good to go before next year's OFCC (unless Wood Elves get a...


So we have started a local escalation league, the idea is you start building and painting a 500 point army, then add to it to make it up to 1000, then 1500 etc.I have used this as an excuse to finally take the plunge and do another WHF army and for my sins I chose...