by PsychosisPC | Nov 6, 2013
Back to my old Beastmen Army from 2003, the second of two chariots. Don't remember everything about this one, but I did convert the gor rider with the great sword, and the driver is one of the old metal beastmen.I painted the bestigor in red face paint,...
by deathkorps | Oct 12, 2013
Terrible pic I know but thought it'd be worthwhile to get back in the swing of posting progress. The first unit I'm painting for the Legio Army Throwdown will be a block of 25 Gors. Gotten started with basecoats and inking... we're off!
by Dorian MacQuarrie | Aug 7, 2013
Once you walk the path of the Ruinous Powers, you're never free of their influence.....In years gone by I played Beastmen or Beasts of Chaos as they were known. Now *those* were the days! Mixing Mortals, Beasts and Demons it was a true Horde of Chaos! Several years...