by PsychosisPC | Jun 24, 2018
by Mordian7th | Dec 14, 2017
Figured it was time to dive back in to painting some actual miniatures after my digression into terrain, but wasn't feeling quite up to jumping right back into a full batch-painting project. So, a little speed painting session was the plan for the evening!Pulled out...
by Orlygg Jafnakol | Aug 10, 2017
Hello again fellow Oldhammerers! Hope you like my Khornate (why did GW stop using these excellent and atmospheric words?) beastman? I actually painted him up just before the last Oldhammer Weekend and only found the time to get him photographed today. Despite being...
by PsychosisPC | May 18, 2017
Some more thinning. No, I'm not getting rid of all of them. I'm keeping many and some of the more fragile stuff that I would hate to ship. This is the second group that I plan on letting go of. This group has some more of the subtle conversions...
by PsychosisPC | May 15, 2017
These are some of my original Old Skool Beastmen. Love these guys, but I just don't use them much for anything anymore. So thinning out the herd and selling a couple of groups of them. Not one of them is the same as the other, with tons of conversion...