Blood Bowl Fever!……..Dwarves, W.I.P.

Hi AllBluddtoof here with an update on my blood bowl painting progress.I've put the orcs on the back burner until GW release a Troll, gobbos and the orc team box; I want the official figures for that team.The Dwarves are a perfectly playable team straight out of the...

Beers with Peps: Brew Review- Atlantic Coal Porter

So today we are heading back to a beer I drank in Boston last year. Having only been to the USA a handful of times I always try to grab beers I haven't heard off. So whilst looking over a pizza menu I came across this beer, so I grab a bottle and quickly down it. So I...

Beers with Peps: Brew Review- 21st Amendment Down to Earth

Welcome back from Omnipollo week. Hope you enjoyed reading my reviews of that great Swedish brewery? This time we leave Europe and head to the states. The following beer I actually picked up whilst visiting family in Boston. The sole reason for wanting this beer was...

Beers with Peps: Brew Review- Omnipollo Hynopompa

And so the time has finally arrived: Day five and the final day of Omnipollo week and my final bottle to sample from them. It's been so much fun going over these beers again and I have enjoyed it so much. For those only arriving today or following a link here is a...