Big guns never tire, pt. 2

Another upate on my World Eaters related projects today, because the last weekend has been spent happily kitbashing away at various evil, spiky and bloodthirsty things ;-) First up, an update on the big guy: Since I first posted my WIP “Thamier pattern”...

Big guns never tire

Good news, everyone: Since the stifling heat has let up a bit, I am back to my usual state of semi-productivity ;-) Anyway, I promised you a more substantial update in my last post, and you shall have it! I mentioned that a couple of fellow hobbyists have recently...

Big guns never tire

Good news, everyone: Since the stifling heat has let up a bit, I am back to my usual state of semi-productivity ;-) Anyway, I promised you a more substantial update in my last post, and you shall have it! I mentioned that a couple of fellow hobbyists have recently...

Third time’s the charm

Another week, and I am still happily slicing and shaving my way through the Centurion kit in an attempt to build a squad of three counts as Obliterators for my World Eaters. I do of course realise that you have been seeing quite a bit of this particular endeavour, but...
Another day, another Behemoth

Another day, another Behemoth

I am still working on my Centurion-based Obliterators — in all fairness, I did warn you beforehand that this would likely turn out to be a rather extensive project The good news is that, after having figured out a basic recipe for turning the stock Centurions...