Be’lakor The First Daemon Prince Conversion

Hi One and All,Steady week on the painting front, with both Abaddon and Be'lakor getting a lot of painting love. For this post I'm showing the completed Be'lakor conversion that I've done.I've used the above picture from the codex as inspiriting for the model, I also...

The State of the Hunt, Week 37/2017: Finally, paint!

Oh boy, I finally have something painted to share with you! Now, in all fairness, the model featuring in today’s update was actually painted a while back, and  I merely took my sweet time to finally put the finishing touches to it, but it’s a project that...
Be’lakor The Dark Master

Be’lakor The Dark Master

Hello everyoneI have been working on this model for quite a long now and only recently I have decided to finish it at last. Ever since the release of Be'lakor's dataslate I wanted to play with him, but unfortunately I didn't have the model, so I have decided to make...