Road to NOVA: Test Run Complete

Play Todd (SincaiN40k) Saturday.  We got to a late start and we called it early due to time issues (and his lack of sleep due to a teething baby, ouch).  It was an interesting game.  I can see why the "Skytide" list is so good.  While I wasn't...

The Road to NOVA: Net Listing Your Way to Victory

One of my earlier posts I talk about getting lists off the net and using them.  I need to start clarifying that.  The net can be a great place to gather ideas on what works and what doesn't.  It can also be a place of much fail.  That brings up...

Road to NOVA: Looking into the Recent Past

Beltway Gamers just finished up their "Slaying the Spring Flowers" league and it was pretty fun.  It seemed like I was the bane of IG but DE/Eldar ate my lunch.  Even though I don't plan to play Chaos for NOVA, I thought it would be a good idea to run this...

The Road to NOVA: When the Stars Align

This isn't the Road to NOVA post I want to post.  I need to finish that one but have been busy preparing for the Chuck's Comics 1000pt tournament that I am running and wanted to get cracking on the two armies I am thinking of running to NOVA. In my original post,...

Distraction is the Mind Killer

Yesterday my ADD kicked in and I managed to organize the hell out of my painting area.  Mainly organizing my shelving.  I was shocked at the amount of work that got done and how much space I freed up.  Still need to get better organized but I was pretty...