Exploding paint and creating missions for Chuck’s Brawl.

I swore I was going to get enough done on the Scout Snipers that I would be able to join the torso with the legs.  I was doing some of the metal work on the guns.  I was going to see if I can get a better color than the Vallejo Model Air "black metal" by...

1000 Point Space Marine vs. Eldar/Dark Eldar

"The Mik" came over for a quick game on his way back up to New Jersey. I played the following list against his Eldar/Dark Eldar: Lysander 5 Terminators 2x Scouts with Sniper Rifles 2x Stormtalon with Skyhammer Missiles 2x Thunderfire Cannons Mission: Modified Scouring...

Hobby Updates: What to Play?

On the hobby front, I have a lot going on.  I have been slowly adding new parts to my SM army but plan on changing the paint scheme.  I am picking up from where I left off with the BT Crusade I was working on and moving over to Imperial Fists.  I plan...

Wrap-Up: Unification Wars GT

DropZone Games just finished up their first GT and it was a big success.  1999 with allies.  They had a packed house both days and it was a fun time to be had by all.  The terrain and tables were set up great and the event ran smooth as silk.  The...

Making Bases: Skulls for the Skull Throne!

I want to say this is my first cross post article between my blog (l33tlike.us) and the Beltway Gamers site.  They are expanding their content and asked me to contribute some articles. I am happy to oblige. I want to talk bases with you and how to get a nice...