Flashback Fridays #17: D is for Defiler

The runes that glowed with the anger stemmed from the Daemon.  The hell that was unleashed stemmed from the mechanical cage that it was trap inside of.  Scampering up on to the smoldering Imperial Guard tank that it just tore apart, it let off a deafening blast from...

Monday Musing of a Mantic #7: 1750pts CSM/Daemons

265 = Daemon Prince: Daemon of Nurgle, Wings, Power Armour & Black Mace 105 = Chaos Lord: Mark of Nurgle, Brand of Skaralax, Power Sword 262 = Plague Marines x 7: Plasma Gun x 2, Champion with PF and a Rhino 262 = Plague Marines x 7: Plasma Gun x 2, Champion with PF...