Better Know A Blogger: Part 47- March of the Damned

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Colin from March of the Damned. March of the Damned is yet another great blog that I have come across thanks to the 40,000 blogs facebook group. Colin's blog has recently been focusing on the exploits of his new...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 46- The Brush Wizard

This week's Better Know A Blogger features Scott from the Brush Wizard. I first became aware of Scott's blog after he joined Nick's 40000 bloggers Facebook group. This is a great resource for those that have a 40k blog and those that enjoy reading 40k blogs, so...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 45- SDFnet 40k

This week's Better Know A Blogger features Steve from SDFnet 40k.I first discovered Steve's blog when he started following my own. I tend to check someone's blogger profile when they follow me, so that I can see if they write their own blog or what blogs they...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 44- SincaiN40K

Today's Better Know A Blogger features Todd Sherman at SincaiN40K. Todd's blog is one of the more recent additions to my blog roll. I followed the blog after seeing the awesome work that he has been carrying out on preparing his Raven Guard army and display board...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 43- Errant Wolf

This week's Better Know A Blogger features Dave G from Errant Wolf. Errant Wolf is one of the most recent additions to my blog list and has been an entertaining read ever since.I have been following with interest his recent posts about constructing a board and an...