Better Know A Blogger: Part 42- Chucking Monkeys

This week's Better Know A Blogger features Luke (AKA Monkey Chuka) from Chucking Monkeys.Monkey Chuka's blog was one of the first that I followed when I started reading 40k blogs. I was initially drawn in by the awesome look of his Tyranid army and found some really...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 41- Heresy and Heroes

This week's Better Know a Blogger features John from Heresy and Heroes. I think what first brought me to Heresy and Heroes was the pictures of John's brilliant 30k Blood Angels army that kept popping up on the Faeit212 blogroll. After checking out the thumbnails...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 40- Rob Hawkins Hobby

This week's Better Know A Blogger features Rob Hawkins (@RobHawkinsHobby) from Rob Hawkins Hobby. I first came across Rob's blog when I was getting back into Warhammer Fantasy. I was searching for information on Undead and Vampire Counts armies and Rob...

Better Know a Blogger: Part 39- De Silentio Umbrae

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Stats from De Silentio Umbrae.I first became aware of Stats' blog during the awesome Monster March event. He had pledged to paint up his Glotkin model, and I took great joy in following his posts. As you can see from the end...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 38- Wargames Wasteland

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Dean Kelly from Wargames Wasteland.I think that I first came across Dean's blog on Google+, where he is a regular poster and contributor.What first caught my eye was his awesome work on his Epic 40,000 Space Marine army. I've...