Better Know A Blogger: Part 37- Castigator’s Chaos

This week's Better Know A Blogger features Gary (AKA Castigator) from Castigator's Chaos. What first attracted me to Gary's blog was his awesome tournament overviews/battle reports. These feature some very quick battle reports of his games, pictures of his...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 36- Mastodonica

This week's Better Know A Blogger features Cylde from Mastodonica. Cylde got in touch with me about taking part in Better Know a Blogger, and I am glad that he did! Mastodonica is a blog written in Spanish, so I generally wouldn't have bothered attempting to read...

Better Know a Blogger: Part 34- Dark Future 30k

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Ed from Dark Future 30k.I first came across Ed's blog when it was highlighted by Rob over at 30Kplus40K. When Rob is envious of someone else's painting, you definitely know it is worth checking it!Even though Ed is only just...

Better Know A Blogger: Part 33- Modern Synthesist

This week's Better Know A Blogger features Mr Pink (@Mod_Synth) from Modern Synthesist.I first came across Modern Synthesist on Twitter and after checking out the blog, it has become a firm favourite on my reading list. What attracted me to the blog was the...