Mantis Warriors Captain and Sergeant

Here are the last two Mantis Warriors that I have to paint at the moment. The first is my Captain. I'll be fielding him with a relic blade, represented by the Kromlech vibro-katana.Here's the Captain's banner. I used the quartered pattern that's standard for 5th...

Mantis Warrior Bikers

Here's my next batch of Mantis Warrior Bikers. I decided 4 bikes were too much to paint at one time, so I downgraded to 3. This seemed much less tedious.These included 2 more special weapon Marines. They're currently equipped with grav guns, since my Executioners...

Mantis Warriors Bike Squad

I've been planning some small allied forces for my Executioners and Blood Angels for a while. For example, I was given a Bike squad for just such a force as a wedding gift (I'm rapidly approaching my second anniversary). Now that I've finished all of my projects for...

Space Marines 2015: Fast Attack

Assault squads decreased in points cost, but no longer come with jump packs. When jump packs are added, they come out costing the same. This has the effect of making their transports cost the appropriate amount (rather than being discounted when taken for a small...

Blood Angels in 7th: Fast Attack: Bike Squads

I have to be honest. Space Marine Bikes, particularly White Scar Bikers, are probably the best army style available from the Space Marine Codex. Combining Hit and Run, Skilled Rider, and often Scout, this army is fast, durable, and reasonably hard hitting. This has...