WIP: Chaos Bikers of Tzeentch

What's fast, deadly and scary to fight? Battle-unicorns, obviously. Today, I am not sharing any armour plated fairytale killers, but another type of steed; the bike.Having completed three Chaos Bikers, I could tell that three wasn't going to be enough to do some...

Techmarine on Bike, and more plasticard

I did some more work on my bike techmarine last night. I attached the second half of his servo-arm, sporting a flamer and plasma pistol, to the bike. I really like the idea of a techmarine zipping around on the battlefield from one vehicle to the next repairing things...

Relictors Space Marine Scout Bike Squad Finished

Here is my latest offering at long last, they have taken longer than expected, but the sheer amount of little details on these guys slowed me down, I know, even slower than normal! I'm not the fastest painter in the world by far.These are a great kit, plenty of...

Showcase: Tzeentch Chaos Bikers

Prepare for the burning of rubber and the bark of bolt-shells, the bikers are now complete. Feast your eyes on their gleaming blue-metal steeds, and awesome head wear.After a lot of time being partly build (or un-built in the case of the unit champion) I've...

WIP: Alpha Legion Sorcerer on a Bike

I stole this idea from The Dice Abide.  It's a CSM Sorcerer on a bike. First thing you need to do is prime the model.  I use Vallejo Surface Primer.  Great stuff. Buy the big bottles   I used Miniataire Royal Blood for the shadows and Lagoon...