Why is the time machine stuck in reverse

Why is the time machine stuck in reverse

Before   and   AfterImagine a ruleset that allows you to do almost anything.  Now imagine having to stuff hundreds of people into a version of it they will all like...So Much ChoiceImagine yourself in the position of a tournament organizer. There are a...
New Tyranid Vanguard formation

New Tyranid Vanguard formation

Manufactorum Genestealers—The formations allow your genestealers to set up in ruins or unoccupied building within 6" of your enemy, and have hit and run.—5 Genestealer broods, but may not include additional genestealers.Lictor Forest Brood—Lictor Forest brood...

COMPLETED: Tyranids vs Tau • 2k Batrep

I had a very exciting game yesterday afternoon fielding my Tyranids versus Tau featuring triple Riptides. The Tau player is a veteran so this was an excellent test match for the new Tyranids.- ARMY LISTS -TyranidsHive Tyrant:Wings, Adrenal Glands, Twin Linked...
Sons of Horus vs Gundamwing Tau

Sons of Horus vs Gundamwing Tau

+++ Sons of Horus army list +++(9 kill points total)Chaplain - Catap armorLibrarian - Catap armor, force axeApothecary - Catap armor, narcethium, power fistNote that my opponent allowed me run a third HQ and use Pride of the Legion even though I didn't field a...
30k Terminator Tactical Analysis

30k Terminator Tactical Analysis

Okay no whiny bitching here about losing a lot or how much cc sucks now. This is an article for big boys.I should first mention that some people mistakenly think that the traitor Legions in the Forge World Betrayal book are Chaos Space Marines but in fact...