Necrons vs Blood Angels – 2k Batrep

I played a game versus Blood Angels today with my Wraithwing.Necrons- HQ -ImmotekhDestroyer Lord - Sempiternal Weave, Res Orb, Warscythe, Taychon ArrowRoyal Court:PulseTekChronoTek- Troops -15x Warrior8x Immortal - Tesla Carbine8x Immortal - Tesla Carbine- Fast Attack...

Necron Melee

It's funny but after having played Necrons for a few weeks now I find Necrons to be better at melee than shooting. Here are my own personal picks for the top Necron melee units (in no particular order):— Canoptek ScArabs— Canoptek Spyders— Canoptek Wraiths— Destroyer...

Adepticon Predictions • Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Every year it is the same...The first year I attended Adepticon followed the release of the 4th edition Tyranid codex and there was so so many Big Bug armies there - I'm not lying if I said they accounted for anywhere from 40-60 percent of the total armies. The year...

Tyranids at Local RTT

I got to play in an RTT yesterday over in Tampa. They used the NOVA mission format which I enjoyed - it's similar to the BeakyCon mission format except that if you win the primary objective you win the mission - if you draw on the primary then secondary is the first...