by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Feb 20, 2015
Knight Models have announced their February releases from the Batman Miniature Game.They look great!It may not be as many releases as previous months, but the pre-order from the rulebook has now finished so they are working on getting that out of the door as...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Feb 10, 2015
Recently I had the chance to throw some questions at the game design team at Knight Models.With the new Batman Rulebook about to hit, I thought it would be great to get a little insight into the creation and development of the game and crews.The answers have been...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Jan 28, 2015
As the Batman game from Knight Models gets bigger, I keep seeing people asking a very similar question."I really like (character) but who else works with them?"To try and help out new players with their crew building and buying, I thought it would be a good idea to...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Nov 17, 2014
For the second Knight Models October release review, I'm going to take a look at the new crew starter for the Batman Miniature Game.Roman Sionis / Black Mask and his thugs.The packaging is the usual from Knight Models. A large blister pack with all the parts all held...