Five 2013 Rumours for Warhammer 40K that Never Happened

I started this block late in 2012. When I did, the interwebz were going made over a spilled release list detailing all Games Workshop releases for Summer 2013, including plastic Sororitas and more. It was an expertly made fake, complete with product codes, etc…...

Black Templars: Project Complete!

What you see above is the last 9 models I had to paint to complete my Independent Characters 2014 Painting Challenge. They were half-finished on my workbench two weeks ago, but now they’re all finished and ready for the tabletop. This finally completes the army...
13.10.24 1850 Deathwing vs Black Templars

13.10.24 1850 Deathwing vs Black Templars

Another game with my Deathwing.  It was a fun game.  This was a bit unexpected.  Thought Bryan would bring his Chaos Space Marines.  Instead he brought his Black Templars.JJ playing, met Bryan at Fantasy Flight for a game.Wore my CONvergence No...