Black Templars – A Tale of Secondaries

Black Templars - A Tale of SecondariesBlack Templars are an excellent melee army and the vow Uphold the Emperor’s Honor makes them highly resilient as well - every unit has a 5++ invulnerable save and mini Transhuman Physiology (can only be wounded on a...

Playing Black Templars Competitively

 Are Black Templars CompetitiveBlack Templars have new rules and many new Primaris units:HelbrechtGrimaldusEmperor’s ChampionPrimaris Crusader SquadSword Brethren++ Sword Brethren +Sword Brethren are the fluff unit but make excellent conversions for Blade Guard...

Introduction to the Black Templars

 My first article was tactical and while popular many readers said they want some background regarding this Chapter. First let me say if you like to play assault heavy armies you might want to consider Black Templars. While their rules aren’t overpowered they do...

Introduction to Black Templars

Black Templars finally got their own codex in ninth edition along with a slew of new Primaris Space Marine units such as Chaplain Grimaldus and the Primaris Crusader Squad. Black Templars can be surprisingly resilient and are a melee centric Chapter.Why are Black...