The Blackwing Part 14 – Chief Apothacarium Nehremiah

Deformed at birth with a clawed and malformed left arm, his parents readily gave him over to the Inquisition suspecting him to be warp-tainted. The inquisitors soon recognised him as a psyker of some power and spared him execution despite his deformity. Inquisitor...

The Blackwing Part 13 – Librarian Lord Arafel

Lord Arafel, often known as 'the Black' for his dark temperament, is the Chief Librarian of the Blackwing. He represents the chapter on the Hellcarian Inquisitorial High Council and aids Castellan Cyrus on the day-to-day running of the chapter. Above the petty...

The Blackwing Part 12 – Castellan Cyrus of the Tower

Castellan Cyrus commands the Black Pinnacle: the Fortress-Monestary of the Blackwing, from here he organises and maintains the chapter as well as leading the local defence forces. Cyrus is a Dark Angel loyalist who fiercely opposes any Inquisitorial meddling in...

The Blackwing Part 10 – Armoured Support

I managed to cheaply get hold of some armoured support for my Blackwing, being second hand they had been modelled with some battle damage but I didn't mind. I painted both the Dreadnought and Razorback to look as dirty as possible, as if previously mass produced and...