New cards for old decks…

Well I have bought some cards, the most important for my WG destroy land deck, they were suggested by Bairrin, a guy who has a nice blog about wargames, role games and magic. They were Mainly the knight of the reliquary and the terravore. I also bought a pair of...

Mono white Ally deck Control

This is a another variation of my other allies decks.CriaturasCreatures4 Hada Freeblades4 Kazandu Blademaster4 Hondu Cleric4 Kabira Evangel4 Talus Paladin3 MakindiNon Creatures4 Join the ranks4 Armored Ascension3 Swords to Plowshares3 Path to exile3 Oblivion Ring20...

GW Earthshatter deck… Mazo destruye tierras, verde blanco

Magic, magic, magic... The idea is to destroy the lands of all players, but as I have elves of llanowar and birds of paradise, and other funny stuff I wont suffer that much... Besides this, this is another UND deck, wich is allways a good thing. La idea de este mazo...