Back from Andalusia

I am back from a well earned and thoroughly needed vacation. This time my wife and I did a long wished trip to Andalusia to have a look at all the Moorish influenced monuments and stuff. This was also something on our bucket list, so the Alhambra in Granada and...

In a deep slumber

Wow. That was some loooong time off. Health issues, Working-Life balance off the mark and a big lack of motivation just stopped me from doing anything wargaming related. But the last weeks this changed a bit and a recent spam comment awakened me from this very deep...

Total War: Warhammer

OMG I am so hyped now... Long I could resist, but with the stream offensive and the newest trailer I just can't resist anymore.Yesterday I got myself a copy and will bring our beloved and destroyed Warhammer world back to life again. What do you think about the game?...

Back to normal?

Long time, no see. So yes, I am still lurking around, reading Blogs, Tweets, Facebook and watching Youtube. Its just that I don't have the energy to write stuff at the moment.Why is that? Last year did not end and this year did not start well for me. First we lost an...

Still alive!

Yes, I am still alive :) Lots of stuff happened in the last few weeks, which kept me from doing anything for my hobby.First my needed vacation (and luckily we came out of Egypt before all the planes where canceled after the plane bombing).Then the typical flu attack...