We are Back in the Future!

Just to spread some geekiness: Today is Back to the Future Day! If you don't know the movies: When Marty McFly got in the Delorean (his time machine), he went forward to today! Even if the scetched future of the movie is not the present, it is absolutely awesome...

Blog Babble – Interested in photography stuff?

Long time no see (again). But as usual I am drowning in work. My travel to Romania didn't help either and the loss of all my prepared post made it even worse. But hey, in Germany we have a saying "Unkraut vergeht nicht" ("A cat has nine lives"?). So Yes I am still...

Why is the rum gone?

Last weekend started with a big WTF. When I checked my blog (and why the connection to the social media networks seemingly doesn't work) I saw that nothing was published to neither the blog nor the Twitter, FB or G+.So with some big eyes I just saw that my...

Short tip: Care for your brushes!

Damaged brushesSince I am into painting stuff again (the temperature isn't something around 40°C anymore) I have a really important tip for you guys out there: Care for your brushes!I could throw four brushes away because they didn't keep their tip anymore. The first...

Farming "wife points"

Perhaps you can remember my post about using a laptop cushion as mobile working station for preparing my minis? If not, I gladly provide you a dip into the past with a link back to the review.As I get slowly back into the flow of doing hobby stuff again, the cushion...