Blog Wars 5 is Saved!! New Venue and Even Bigger Prizes!!

Right folks, we've been pretty lucky and the North West Gaming Centre (NWGC) in Stockport has been able to accommodate us on the original date of June 22nd. They've got plenty of space for us, an onsite bar and cafe and since there'd be around 40 of us we'd get our...

Blog Wars 5 Update – Maunsfeld Gaming has Closed!

You may have already seen this but Maunsfeld Gaming (the shop formerly known as Maelstrom Games and the venue of the first four Blog Wars) has now gone into receivership. I received an email from the venue this lunchtime to say:Hi thereI'm sorry to have to say this,...

Blog Wars 5 has Sold Out! Massive Prize Pot!

Within the space of just over 10 days the tickets for Blog Wars 5 have sold out! That's including the additional 10 spots I added to the original 30. Assuming everyone actually shows up on the day I've got nearly double the number of attendees this time! I've even got...

Blog Wars 5 Tickets Selling Fast and a Few Updates

Somewhat amazingly I'm pleased to report that 18 of the 30 places have been filled for Blog Wars 5. That means I'm already close to the minimum 20 I need to run the event in the first place with the prize structure suggested. If you don't have your place yet then use...