Blog Wars 8 – Feedback Discussion (please comment)

I fully intended to have this post up ages ago but my new xbox has distracted me somewhat. Suffice to say, as ever, I want to continue my drive to make Blog Wars the best event on the tournament calendar by listening to feedback from the guys who've attended recently...
Blog Wars 8 – Painting Competition (pic heavy)

Blog Wars 8 – Painting Competition (pic heavy)

Before going any further it's worth saying that the standard of painting at this event was higher than at any previous that I can remember. There were plenty of armies on the display tables and I know of at least a couple that weren't presented (Chris Benstead's Iron...
Blog Wars 8 – My Battle Reports

Blog Wars 8 – My Battle Reports

Having taken a break from playing last time I was keen to participate at BW8 and fortunately a last minute addition to the numbers gave me the opportunity. I've already posted my Wolves list up but suffice to say it's designed to let me play my games quickly rather...
Blog Wars 8 – The Aftermath

Blog Wars 8 – The Aftermath

Another Blog Wars and come and gone; scores of amateur generals pitted their lovingly crafted armies against each other hoping victory…how did it go for me? Urrrmmm….don’t ask…The actual tournament was great as ever – Alex had improved the format yet again and the day...
Blog Wars 8 – The Aftermath (Results)

Blog Wars 8 – The Aftermath (Results)

The eight Blog War was fought at the NWGC in Stockport yesterday. This was the first Blog Wars event of 7th edition (BW7 was the last of 6th). This may be a bold claim but, to my mind at least, I think it was the best event I've ever run. There were no major scoring...