Blog Wars 9.. the list

Hi all,Wow- what a challenge- the good news is that my Imperial Knight/Dark Angels list is complete, and ready for Blog Wars.. the bad news is that my Imperial Knight/Dark Angels army is complete and ready for Blog Wars.. I've managed to complete the force including...

Blog Wars 9… Will I be ready???

So, less than a week to go before BW9, as arranged by Alex from and I'm starting to worry... will my army be ready? Currently I have 2 models from a list of 15 ready for the event- and time is disappearing very fast..I'll be...

Lord of War at Blog Wars 9 – More Pie Charts!

By popular demand (and to satisfy my own curiosity), I've run the numbers for the presence of Lords of War at BW9. Let's remind ourselves that there were 16 different Lords of War that were permitted at Blog Wars 9 from the following...

Blog Wars 9 Prize Announcement

I'm in the process of counting up the Lord of War/Super Heavies that are coming to BW9 but I haven't done yet so you'll have to wait a bit longer for more pie. In the meantime I had some packages arrive today which contained the prizes for the event. Of course the...

Armies at Blog Wars 9 – Mmmm Pie (Charts)!

I'd originally intended to post this up on Sunday evening but thanks to spending more time painting my house than my Orks for Blog Wars (more on that later) I've not had the chance. I actually made the pies on Sunday but they've been cooling on the window ledge since...