Blog Wars 9 – the6thdegree’s Iron Warrior list

Hi guys - its that time of year again when I actually get involved in the gaming side of 40K and enter a tournament. This will be my ninth Blog Wars - so I am still at 100% attendance, although this time I will be joined by GreyLamb and fellow Weeman LordH.Blog Wars...

Looking to Blog Wars…

I've just submitted my list to Alex over at fromthefang for Blog Wars 9, which takes place 2 weeks tomorrow.Following a few test games, I have decided to opt away from my Ultramarines, and try something a little different. I won't spoil the army list just yet, however...

Blog Wars 9 Rule Amendments and FAQ

Blog Wars 9 is a little less than five weeks away and GW is determined to make things more and more complicated with each passing week. There's therefore quite a lot to discuss before the event.I'm keen not to restrict things too much because I hope that players will...

Blog Wars 9 Completely Sold Out!

Well I never thought I'd be saying this but I've sold the full complement of 50 tickets for Blog Wars (including my own spot at #50). Even allowing for a few dropouts it's going to be a record attendance for a Blog Wars event and I'm already excited about the...