90,000 Page Hits

I hit a weird benchmark today: 90,000 page hits to this website.  Since it'll take me the better part of a year to hit 100,000 I thought I would just give myself a little "woohoo" today.Thanks for reading!  Now where are my next dwarfs...

My new project blog

One of the blogs on my blogroll for which I have a lot of respect is All Bones About It.  Basically Chris is trying to paint every miniature he got in the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter (265 miniatures).  I also got the Reaper Bones Kickstarter at the...

Anyone having trouble getting to Cyborg Trucker’s blog?

Google Chrome is consistently blocking Cyborg Trucker's blog on the grounds that it has malware content.  Since I really don't want to risk going, I can't inform the blog owner of this problem.  It's been this way for a couple of weeks.  Is anyone else...

How many blogs does one person need, anyways?

Most readers know I have an RPG blog and a zombie blog, but I also have a very dormant blog about my regular, non-hobby life.  Dormant, that is, until now.  I'm using it to chart my progress as part of a productivity regimen for work and home.  If...