Old Stuff Day 2013: Our Contribution

It’s another year and another Old Stuff Day. In going through our archives here for 2012 I noticed something. In previous years we produced a fair amount of editorials but this past year it was mostly hobby related stuff. It’s … Continue reading...

Old Stuff Day 2013 – Almost Forgot!

I damn near forgot about Old Stuff Day! Two years ago Rob at Warhammer 39,999 began Old Stuff Day. In short, it’s a day where every blogger showcases articles they’ve done over past year (or longer), that might have fallen … Continue reading →The post Old...


Should I do 'em?  Some folks have approached me about reviewing their products. As you know, I tend not to pull any punches, being from the Honesty School of Opinion Writing, so it could be a fun exercise for all concerned.  This isn't an attempt at filler, either. I...