by Andrew King | Jun 20, 2015
Recently, I have enjoyed reading a number of blogs which focus on what has come to be known online as ‘Oldhammer’. This particular moniker seems to have been around a while now and is generally attached to those blogs with a strong, or even exclusive,...
by Prodigal Player | Nov 14, 2013
I’ve commented in the past that I’m pretty awful with my web skills, although I am slowly improving. I will get a blogroll going soon, but in the mean time I wanted to share with you some of the blogs that I have been following with great interest. In my...
by Marsekay | Jan 13, 2013
Hi all, please welcome Heresy 30k to the Blogroll, you can see his blog HEREThis guys up to some awesome stuff, obbviously its pre heresy orientated but its amazing none the less!Check out this guys Pre Heresy Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnaught! Incredible!I will...