40k Terrain from Trash – Industrial Building #3

I followed the same process as before but used a light brown/sandy colour scheme. The other item I am proud of is that I finally managed to use the shaving blades on this piece of terrain, I have been holding onto these for ages now.Enjoy.Vitor.

Blood Angels – Knights of Blood – Finished

These really took me a long time to complete, all the details that make them amazing models are a pain when you are short of painting time.Never the less I have them at a stage where I am happy.As I have found out in all the previous attempts photographing them is...

Blood Angels – Astorath Conversion – WIP

So it's been a few weeks since I have done any hobby and I am still working my way through the tactical squad. To change things up a bit I went through my bits box and came up with an Astorath Conversion.It is mostly based on the Sanguinary Guard parts with the main...

Blood Angels – Knights of Blood – WIP

Starting to paint the squad according to my existing scheme which is a black primer followed by my custom mix for the dark metal armour. For the red I am using  a base colour of Scab Red. The layer for the red is Mephiston Red then using Balor Brown and dark...

Blood Angels – Knights of Blood – WIP

I have been wanting to continue expanding my Blood Angels army for a long time now but like so many hobby projects this year, other things intervene.This squad is armed for close combat with mostly chain-sword and bolt pistols, I have also included some heavier...