New Blood Angels – Knights of Blood

New Blood Angels – Knights of Blood

 If you have not been living as a hermit somewhere you will have seen this news. For me it is just what I need to get my Knights of Blood Army off the ground.The new Sanguinary Priest looks awesome! They will sell millions just for the chalice alone I think, I...
Blood Angels – Knights of Blood Librarian – Finished

Blood Angels – Knights of Blood Librarian – Finished

I finished off the blue armour with a blue wash followed by highlights with Enchanted Blue. I didn't want to use the edge highlight method but rather a zenithal lighting method. The first attempt didn't really give me what I wanted so I had to add more wash to some...
Blood Angels – Knights of Blood Librarian

Blood Angels – Knights of Blood Librarian

I did this conversion a few years ago now but have not got around to painting it up yet.I wanted to try several different things on this guy. First is the Shoulder Pad Psychic Hood and second is the greenstuff press mold of the Tabard. I will do separate posts on...
40k Knights of Blood Terminators Revisited

40k Knights of Blood Terminators Revisited

Earlier I had in mind a project to collect and paint a Knights of Blood army and did a test scheme which turned out to be too bright and clean to reflect the dark nature of this chapter.  I redid the test Tactical Marine in a darker scheme similar to the one in...