Blood Knights

Here are some finished images of the Flayed Men heavy cavalry that were painted during a few YouTube live sessions.  Here's a link to the first one where I was working in oils: continued this unit into another session,...

Skulls, Snow and Blood!

One of my latest tutorials loaded to the Patreon Page showed off the traditional crushed glass snow technique... but with a twist!  This time, I added some blood effects.You can see those strategically positioned not only on the bases of the figures, but the...

Back to Basics #30 Blood Effects

Nick speaking,In this series of videos for beginners, I go back to basics and run over all that I have learnt about this wonderful hobby of ours. In this episode we look at blood effects! Previous Posts:Back to Basics #1 The SprueBack to Basics #2 Mould...

Dismember December ………By Bluddtoof

So I finally got my entry completed after a long period of having no mojo for painting. I'm pleased with the finished model and love the palette I went with. Oddly enough it's very similar to my Imperial Knight! I only realised as I was nearing completion. I obviously...

Blood and Poison

There's one more touch to add to those ninja archers... some blood/poison blades.As I mentioned in the previous post, the idea behind this is to create something that can be seen very easily on the game table in order to distinguish two units from each other...