Khârn The Betrayer

Somewhat later than I’d anticipated but I’ve finally finished Khârn.   As is clear, I stuck fairly close to the classic Khârn look but darkened the tone slightly to fit with my Berserkers.  I thoroughly enjoyed painting this chap, I’m really...

Khârn you dig it?

I’d say that’ll be the last Khârn-related pun but you know I’l lying Anyway, today I started work on the first character for my Chaos Marines and it had to be Khârn. While my Heralds of Desolation are (more or less) a Chaos Undivided mob, I love the...

Blood for The Blood God!

It looks like my Heralds of Desolation are finally starting to take shape and their latest additions are these lovely balanced young gentlemen.

Khorne Berserker Skull Champion

This weekend I mainly concentrated on finishing my Khorne Berserkers. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get them all done so in lieu of a group photo I thought that for now I’ll just post the completed Skull Champion. Apologies again for the crap photo,...

First Khorne Berserker Finished

I’ve finally finished my first Khorne Berserker Apologies for the crappy picture, I’ll post a better one once the rest of the squad’s done. I decided not to production line them until I had the first one finished but the rest are catching up, they...