Chivalry Dost Live Yet…

The Ogre Tyrant manoeuvred his armies into the Elven lands. They had already seized the elven capitol, and were now pursuing the refugees. "I want blood, and an easy victory!" the ogre tyrant roared.Some of the fleeing elves were captured by a small patrol of humans,...
Growls in the Gatehouse

Growls in the Gatehouse

As Geheimnisnacht arrived, the armies forging Empires in the Badlands formed up. Bitter differences between man and Lizard were put aside, to stand alongside the ancient Elves and Dwarves against the horrors that stood against them. Warriors of Chaos, far from the...
Enduring the Storm

Enduring the Storm

With a Storm of Magic Loremaster game against Stephen and his High Elves, lead by his Loremaster, I knew we could get into a long game. So I made a plan and stuck to it. I decided to hit Stephen with an angry tree. Then hit him again. And again.Basically this plan...

Ominous Signs

So, just to let you know, Stephen the newest Fantasy player at the club, who can barely buy a win in the campaign, beat me AGAIN. Now the first time, I could see it was a bad combo of a sneaky trick he had as a random event roll combined with the worst possible...

Back in the Badlands… the story so far

As midsummer approaches, it is worth looking back on the badlands campaign to see how things are progressing.Sir Ulric has had a smashing time gallivanting around and beating up other peoples, particularly ogres. However his extensive travels have had a slight...