
I know what you did, you read the title of this post and said it to yourself in the same way I said it as I typed it. With much volume, aggression and love. We all know 'Blitz' means one thing, and that's Blood Bowl. I have an incredibly squishy bit of my heart...

Enter the Chambers.

How do you start a post about two subjects that are a huge deal? Not only have I hit 100 posts and 13,000 views for my blog, but what better time to post an interview with one of the most influential people in the history of wargaming, and especially Games Workshop,...

Space Marine – A Step Too Far?

I noticed today that Space Marine has become available to pre-order in the US on Steam. I have known about the game’s development for some time now, but haven’t managed to get around to really taking a look at any trailers/media for it. So with the...