More Boar Boyz….

 Yea I definitely liked the looks of the guy above.  If I was still doing more of these I would have to do more of that mail armor. More stowage.This one uses a head form Max Mini.  Thought it was an appropriate head and it was well made by there skill...

More of those Orky Razorback Riders

 Yeee! Haaa! As typical there are some areas on these plastic models that always need a bit of adjustment, and that would be the seams.  You really need to take some time and fill those seams areas. Yea no arm on this guy.  As I said these are...

Waaagghhhh Suey!!

That's right its the boar boyz in various incomplete stages.  I was working on these just prior to my surgery.  As usual, I wanted every model to be unique.  The models are already pretty dynamic, but I was looking for that sort of feral Lord of the...
Gorbad Ironclaw: Finished Back Banner

Gorbad Ironclaw: Finished Back Banner

So its not long til Winter War 13 and I have quite a bit to still do, so last night I finally finished of Gorbad Ironclaw who is probably my favorite Orc model full stop! I had finished the bulk of him a month or so ago but had missed out his back banner so I finished...
Charge of the Pig Brigade!

Charge of the Pig Brigade!

Hey guys, had a bit of a mental week with work, painting and real life shenanigans so was a bit slower than planned finishing these boar boyz off. Im pretty chuffed with how they came out but one was an utter disaster and was probably the worst painted model I have...