Dwarf Battle Company Stuff

Today is just some battle company shot of dwarves =)Here is my starting battle company for my "normal" dwarves. Boggle with his massive shield is the leader, Brynmor with his shovel is second in command and Bluey (the archer with red hair) is the third in command....

Dwarf Army – Warband Edition

As has been noted, the new rules (actually, even the not so new rules, but waaaaaay back when there wasn't a warband structure so I'm slow to change!) are based on leaders with warbands of varying sizes.So my son chose warbands for the leaders and we realised that I'm...

Dwarf Armies

So my son and I got out all my dwarf miniatures to see how many there were now that I've completed the King's Champion.We arranged them according to type so that I could see them a bit more clearly (with some creative license thrown in to keep things at aleast a...