Codex Compendium Update: Dark Angels & Drukhari

New codex Compendium for 9th edition with updated information for Dark Angels and Drukhari included the new codexes, supplements, and FAQs The post Codex Compendium Update: Dark Angels & Drukhari appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Adeptus Mechanicus 9th Edition Codex Leak Compilation

Compilation of rumors, leaks, previews for Adeptus Mechanicus 9th edition codex / Supplement. New rules, point adjustments, stratagems and units. The post Adeptus Mechanicus 9th Edition Codex Leak Compilation appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

War Zone Charadon Act 1 The Book of Rust Leak Compilation

Compilation of rumors, leaks, previews for War Zone Charadon Act 1 The Book of Rust Campaign Book. Rules, point adjustments, stratagems. The post War Zone Charadon Act 1 The Book of Rust Leak Compilation appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.