by Max Rhanarion | Jan 4, 2014
Bonjour à tous,On commence bien l'année en ce qui me concerne avec l'arrivée de la nouvelle mouture du codex Tyranides et des nouveaux kits qui l'accompagnent.On commence donc par le codex, un classique maintenant puisqu'il est comme les derniers sortis en couverture...
by Matthew Davies | Jan 4, 2014
With only weeks to go before the Path to Damnation Campaign begins, I've been working hard getting my lord, Mekidius Sirak, all painted up. Here is the model currently, about 95% complete.I've gone for black armour with grey trim, in-keeping with the main colours of...
by jabberjabber | Jan 4, 2014
The new welcome addition to the 6th edition of 40k is the Tyranids; available on pre-order as of today. Clearly there are many new miniatures and rules to be digested on the tyranids in the coming weeks. I don't want to add to the rumour mill myself at this stage -...
by wappellious | Jan 4, 2014
Another sluggo for you. This time a High Elf.It's pretty wild doing all these different races turned slime worms!More to come!