Apocalypse 2013

The last Apocalypse game of 2013. Combined forces of Eldar, Black Templars and the Imperial Guard failed to drive back the evil alliance of Orcs, Chaos Demons and Necrons.

2013 In Review (Part 2)

Now that I have a bit of breathing space, it’s a good time for a more personal look at my hobby year. Compared to 2012, last year was comparatively quiet hobby-wise. This was for the most part due to Real Life getting far too much of a look in. January saw me starting...
[Anuncio] Propósitos para el blog en 2014

[Anuncio] Propósitos para el blog en 2014

Hola a todos!Año Nuevo... propósitos nuevos!Y el blog no iba a ser una excepción... Como ya os comentamos el año pasado, el blog sigue en constante crecimiento, gracias a vuestro apoyo y cariño (hasta hemos ganado dos, a mi entender inmerecidos, Premios...
Things I want to do in 2014 and some ideas to explore

Things I want to do in 2014 and some ideas to explore

This is a bit of a 'TO DO' list I suppose as well as some ideas I want to tackle if I can get around to them.First off the 'TO DO' listMinotaursI need to finish off my Terminators with Thunder Hammers. The models have been gathering dust for far too long. I also have...