Mustering the Praetorians

Mustering the Praetorians

After painting up the latest batch, I thought I'd get some photos of the whole of the GW Praetorians posted.Note that this is just the GW stuff and doesn't include the figures from other manufacturers such as Curious Constructs or Victoria's Miniatures.  They'll...
Fire Dragons 2 Completed

Fire Dragons 2 Completed

So far my plan is working.  We'll find out if its still working after day 9.Spray painted Army Painter Uniform Grey.JJ painting, completed a couple of Fire Dragons Shawn handed me several months ago.  Eldar Warhammer 40k commission.Went to the liquor store...

Discounted Games Workshop in the UK – Kirton Games

Happy New Year!  I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and that 2014 has got off to a brilliant start for you! Mine has been brilliant, but hectic, not least because of Kirton Games, a venture I've gone into with my two closest friends. Kirton Games is as I've...
Happy New Year!!!! Year in Review…

Happy New Year!!!! Year in Review…

A toast to the year behind us, and a "hip hip" to the year ahead of us. And to say that 2013 was a busy year would be an understatement for me it seems.Although not the greatest year with regards to pure numbers of models painted ( I fell quite short this year with...
2013 Year in Review

2013 Year in Review

Looking back at 2013, I can say that this past year, more than any other, has been focused on Warmachine. I'm usually pretty good about spreading my effort between historicals, fantasy and other projects...that just didn't happen this year. Not complaining though...I...