Win This Painted Space Marine Librarian!

Win This Painted Space Marine Librarian!

Time to start off 2014 with a 40K giveaway! Each month on forum we give away some 40K loot as a way of saying “thank you” to all the members who contribute and add to the 40K knowledge accumulated on the forum, and for this month the prize is a...
Interesting Items No Longer Available

Interesting Items No Longer Available

This is part of an email that I was sent from a reader here on Faeit 212, simply stating some things that are not available any more from GW. While some of it had an expected date of returning and have a date included, but there are some surprising things that are...
2013 in Review

2013 in Review

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 7,900 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 7 trips to carry that many people. That little tidbit is courtesy of the WordPress automated statistics machine.  If...
Let’s Roll in the New Year!

Let’s Roll in the New Year!

I am mercifully not doing a "2013: The Year in Review" post.I have instead updated "Painting Point System" page with a little info.I have also uploaded my 2014 work out plan and weight goals on the "2014 Training" page. If i get all my lifting goals, I should look...

Hobby & Gaming: A Change in Priorities

I routinely find my interests in 40K changing, as do many I’m sure. Maybe it’s my age or maybe it’s just a natural progression in the hobby. When I began playing 40K it was all about the hobby. Everything was new and shiny. I began with Orks who are...