2013 Review part Two

2013 Review part Two

Where there's a part one, there will usually be a part 2 (well except for History of the World Part One, but i'm still hopeful to see Jews in Space and Hitler on Ice)  Now that it's over and done, we should go ahead and finish 2013 in review, starting...

KILL TEAM – 40k Battle Report – Sneaking into the New Year.

Kill Teams are covert operatives that infiltrate to achieve mission parameters that would not involve large scale war. They sneak in, and sneak out… well thats the plan at least. In these small 200pt engagements each model acts as its own unit. This is my first...
Don’t Miss This- up to 50% OFF Holiday Sale Ends Soon!

Don’t Miss This- up to 50% OFF Holiday Sale Ends Soon!

We heard from a lot of you that payday and travel was messing up your ability to participate in the Holiday Sale, so we've extended it!That's right we've extend our Holiday Sale another FIVE days to this Friday January 3rd so everyone can have a chance...
WIP On the Desk:  How I Paint Red for my armies…..

WIP On the Desk: How I Paint Red for my armies…..

Over the years, I have painted a lot of miniatures in a red paint scheme for my armies.  I have often been asked what colors I use and when I tell people they think:  A.  Games Workshop is the only one that makes paints.  or B.  They think its...
[Noticias] En Goblintrader están de aniversario

[Noticias] En Goblintrader están de aniversario

Hola a todos!En éstos días tan especiales nuestros amigos de Goblintrader están de Aniversario...Y es que en éstos días se cumplen 3 años del nacimiento de la empresa como tal! Cuando apenas eran una tienda online con un vetusto almacén en donde guardaban todo su...