BOLS and Faiet212 MIA

Just a quick one to spread the word.In case you're in the dark over the sudden disappearance of BOLS and Faiet212 you can find out more over at Blood Claw who, as far as I'm aware has the scoop!Troubling times.

Bell of Lost Souls peals on

For everyone wondering about BoLS being down, I've just checked. Larry's looking into it and he's confident everything is fine, and the Lounge is still going. I don't have any news on the situation at Faeit 212, but as far as I know, Natfka is away at an event at the...

Why BOLS sucks more than your mom (A Rant in A Minor)

Not able to leave a critical comment on BOLS? It’s more likely than you may think.  Would you like to know more?I think most people who have the faculty of both their eyes and half of their brain know that the infamous war gaming blog Bell of Lost Souls has...

Echoes from beyond – mid-February to early March

A blog probably reflects the mind of the blogger who runs it, and I imagine many readers of the Expanse read it to know my thinking. But I post plenty of ideas at other people's blogs too, so I've decided I'll start grouping some up now and then.Here's the first...

Towards a new model army?

Many of us feel that certain areas of wargaming can be pricey, some areas increasingly and unreasonably so. A handful of posts from the past few days suggest ways forward.James S at Warp Signal proposed the not-so-alien notion of army sharing...Matt Plonski at...