Warlord Games – Wednesday Newsletter

Warlord Games mid-week newsletter...Test Of Honour is back in stock!View the new bundles! »Christoffer wanted to make his own Marder II tank...so he did just that!Create your own tank from scratch! »The Australian and Japanese forces fight it out on the deadly...

Warlord Games – Newsletter

Warlord Games end of week article and feature round-up...Manager's Summer Special!Assault Guns at the ready!Entering the battlefield in support of the Imperial Japanese Army comes their latest bunker busting assault gun, The Type 4 Ho-RoCrush your enemy! »Protect your...

Warlord Games – Newsletter

Warlord Games mid-week newsletter...When putting in our new and glorious IMTel stock system, we have discovered huge piles of overstocks in the dark recesses of our warehouse. We thought we would celebrate this discovery with our customers by offering some great deals...

Warlord Games – Newsletter

Warlord Games Friday newsletter...Get up close to Royalty!The King Tiger, the pinnacle of German armament, a tank so deadly that barely anything within the Allies arsenal could stop it. Your King Tiger Zug is now available ready to pre-order.Crush your enemy!...

Warlord Games – Newsletter

Warlord Games mid-week feature and release round-up...Limited Numbers!Celebrate all things heavy metal for the upcoming Tank War with selected vehicles available at up to 25% off! Plus we have some great value bundles for you:Read all about it! »Build your tank war...