Bookshelf: Comic Review- Batman Earth One Volume Two

Continuing on with the Earth One series, we turn our gaze to Batman Earth One Volume Two.Batman Earth One Volume TwoWriter: Geoff JohnsArtist: Gary FrankPublisher: DC ComicsRelease Date: May 6, 2015Cover Price: $22.99"The Riddler has...

Bookshelf: Comic Review- 2000AD Finn

Hey we are back again for a comic review! This time it is the turn of Finn Book One. I have fond memories of Finn and was glad to pick up a free copy of Finn Book one. Set in modern day times Finn is a modern day version of Slaine (who I have a love hate relationship...

Bookshelf: Comic Review- Judge Anderson PSI Files Volume 3

Morning everyone and welcome to another Comic review. We return this time to the Judge Anderson PSI files saga today. If you have let to read the reviews of Volume One and two then follow these handy links-Judge Anderson The PSI Files Volume 1Judge Anderson The PSI...

Bookshelf: Comic Review- Judge Dredd Meg 202

Welcome Dreddheads to the Bookshelf comics. This time we shall take a look at Judge Dredd Meg 202. Originally published February 11th 2003, it introduces us to a new character the Black Siddha.CoverWe start as always with the cover, a bold striking image mostly black...