The Bookshelf: The Complete Case Files 2 (Part 2).

Hey John here with part two of the Complete Case Files 2. If you missed the first part just follow this link. I've chosen to make this a two part edition because this book contains two sagas. The First was called "The Cursed Earth'' and this one is known as "The Day...

Bookshelf: Black Library- Star of Damocles by Andy Hoare

John speaking and today I have a book review that isn't about Dredd! Yes sometimes I expand my reading beyond the 2000ad verse, not often mind. If you haven't realised by now, I'm a bit of a 40k fan and the best part of 40k in my opinion is all the fluff and lore....

Bookshelf- 2000 AD Sweet Justice

Welcome back for another Bookshelf review. Today we are reviewing Sweet Justice, a collection of Short Stories from the 2000 AD archives (ebook).BackgroundThis is e-book from the local library, so I won't discuss price or quality of the print etc as it didn't cost me...

Age Of Sigmar Book Review: The Gates of Azyr, by Chris Wraight

A new game, with a completely new setting, means that we get boat loads of brand new stories and background. For someone who thinks the best slice of the Jervis Johnson Hobby Pieā„¢ is fluff, I couldn’t be more stoked! So instead of diving right into the book...