Bookshelf: Black Library- Star of Damocles by Andy Hoare

John speaking and today I have a book review that isn't about Dredd! Yes sometimes I expand my reading beyond the 2000ad verse, not often mind. If you haven't realised by now, I'm a bit of a 40k fan and the best part of 40k in my opinion is all the fluff and lore....

Bookshelf: 2000 AD – Ichabod Azrael

Hey everyone John here with another Bookshelf article. I'm sticking with free Digital Comics because who doesn't like a freebie? If you have let to go get some here is the link to 2000AD. Today's comic has the grandiose title 'The Grievous Journey of Ichabod...

Bookshelf- 2000 AD Sweet Justice

Welcome back for another Bookshelf review. Today we are reviewing Sweet Justice, a collection of Short Stories from the 2000 AD archives (ebook).BackgroundThis is e-book from the local library, so I won't discuss price or quality of the print etc as it didn't cost me...

The Bookshelf: Comic Review- Judge Dredd Year One

John here again with another comic review. This time it's part of IDW’s Judge Dredd series. For those unsure IDW is the American Comic company with rights to the Judge Dredd franchise, for the most part they republish older Dredd stories. But they also...