Bookshelf: Comic Review 2000 AD Mega-City Five-O

I'm continuing the Free 2000 AD theme with this next installment. Mega-City Five-0! Unlike the previous free comics, this one is themed purely to Dredd's World. So lets jump in.The cover is a pretty straight forward piece as we have come to expect from the free...

Bookshelf: Review- Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01

John here and it's time for another addition to the bookshelf. For today the post is all about Dredd. Judge Dredd the Complete Case Files 01 Digital Edition. Here is a quick link to 2000 AD where you buy this tome for a small sum of £9.99 (link).Judge Dredd the...

Bookshelf: Comic Review- 2000AD Modern

So I'm continuing with the free digital downloads from 2000AD. This time it's the turn of 2000AD Modern. A Zarjaz selection of recent stories from the pages of 2000AD.Stories by: Multiple WritersArt by: Multiple ArtistsPage...

Bookshelf- Comic Review: Jaegir

Hey everyone as part of my combining the blogs series, I will also start doing comic reviews. These use to appear on the Sector 102 blog as it was primary Judge Dredd, but I want to do more. So rather than put them under the S102 tagline, they will now fall under the...